Fraction Review 4/24
Introduction to Fractions
In this lesson, we will review fractions, their values, and how to add and subtract them.
1. Please begin by reading the Fractions Textbook pages link. you do not need to do the exercises now if you don't want to.
2. Watch the Math Antics videos about fractions (Seen in the image below). You do NOT need to watch the one about "Multiplying Fractions" (we will do that next lesson).
You can watch the videos using the links on the right side of this page (watch in order).
3. Go to the Math Antics Homepage:
Math Antics Homepage: (scroll down and watch the videos in the "Fractions" section, "Simplifying Fractions" and "Adding and Subtracting Fractions".
Again, you do NOT need to watch the one about "Multiplying Fractions" (we will do that next lesson).
Use this link to access exercises and worksheets all about fractions and how to add and subtract them. You can also rewatch the videos.
All of the exercises and worksheets have answer keys.
4. If you would like more practice with Fractions, you can follow the link to Khan Academy, where there are more exercises and videos.
5. Play the Math Games for extra practice or to test your knowledge!