AM ESOL Online 3-15-23 Agenda Community - Weather and the Environment Journal Writing Listen and Write TH sound Tongue Twister Climate Change - continued - vocabulary review ====================== Journal Writing - Introduction Reading 1.How much snow did you get? We got 14 inches of snow. 2. Did you shovel or snow blow the snow or was it plowed for you? I shoveled all the snow by myself. 3.Are you affected negatively by cold weather or a cold season? Vocabulary shovel, snow blow, plowed affect / affected ----------------- Journal Writing 10 Minutes Valerie 1,2, or 3? 1. We got 14 inches of snow. 2. I shoveled the snow with my neighbor. Victoria 1. We had 14 inches of snow yesterday in Holden. I wasn't affected by the cold weather. because I was in the house. I didn't go out. We fixed the heater. I didn't go out. Rajaa 1. We got about 16 inches. 2. No I didn't shovel nor snow blow, but my daughter did. 3. Thank God, I don't affected negatively by cold weather. I don't get affected negatively I am not negatively affected I'm affected negatively I'm not affected negatively Berenice talk/listen? 1. I don't know exactly, but I think I got 14 inches. 2. my husband 'was' shoveling the snow shove shohv ehl ihng 3. I don't like the cold very much but it doesn't affect me at all word, but word, because Ama Are you feeling ok? 1. In my opinion the snow yesterday was 15 inches. 2. Three years ago when I shovel the snow I get a problem This time .... my son did it. Three years ago when I shoveled the snow I got a problem. This time .... my son did it. My son shoveled. Maria Do you want to share your writing? Listen and Write Listening practice ====================== Review TH unvoiced and voiced sound =========================== Tongue Twister Listen for unvoiced and voiced TH sound The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. ================ BREAK 10:00 - 10:20 ================ Climate Change (ellii) Vocabulary habitat hah bih taht where plants, flowers, trees, and animals and people live average = usual typical ah vehr ahj The average temperature for Worcester in winter is 46 degrees F. trap trahp to block movement to capture something diversity dih vehr sih teeee a large variety many different things gas gahs air like substance ex: CO2 CO2 carbon dioxide cahr bohn diii ohx iiid adapt to make necessary changes adapt He adapted to the cold weather because he wore a scarf and mittens. adopt = to take in a child as one's own family member ah dohpt blame blaaa ehm to take responsibility for a bad thing average height blame (both a verb and a noun) It was my fault. I took the blame. ---------------------- Reading End Class ========================