AM ESOL Online 4-27-23 Agenda Health & Lifestyle -News & Housekeeping -Journal Writing - Past Continuous -Listening/Speaking - Past Continuous -Health -Going to Doctor’s Office (ellii) -Reading Prescriptions -Conversation Practice - Health vocabulary / Past Continuous* ================================= News: Post Tests ============================== Journal Introduction Sentence Starters: I see in the picture... In the picture I see... When I 'look at' the picture I see... I saw in the picture In the picture I saw When I looked at the picture, I saw... Past Continuous Be Verb I was He/She/It was You/We/They were Be Verb (past tense) + Verb-ing They were talking ----------------------- Journal Writing Today's date Today's weather Answere to the journal questions. Try to use the past continouos tense in your answers. 6 Minutes --------------------- Share our Journals Victoria Today's date is 04 April 27 2023. 04-27-23 4-27-23 4/27/23 4 April April 4 Today's date is April 27, 2023. Today's weather 60 degrees. today's temperature Today's weather is not sunny is a little cloudy and cold where I am here it's not sunny. weather sunny cloudy rainy What .... I see a disabled person discussing an xray with a radiologist at the hospital. Past Continuous I saw a disabled person discussing .......... I was seeing a disabled person discussing..... Valerie Today is Thursday, April 27, 2023. twenty-seventh Punctuation 2 commas 1 period The weather today is rainy. on the picture the radiologist was explaining to the patient the xray. in the picture In the picture.... When I looked at the picture radiologist raaaaa deee oh loh jihst Ana Today's date is April 27, 2023. The weather today is partly cloudy.' I see in the picture a man with injured foot on crutches the radiologist is showing him the xray. I was in the picture a man with with an injured foot on crutches the radiologist is showing. In the picture a man with an injured foot on crutches injured In the picture a man with an injured foot on crutches and the radiologist was showing the man an xray Ama Today is Thursday 27 April 2023. 27 April Today is Thursday April 27 2023. twenty-seventh Today weather is cold. ** Today, the weather is cold. Today's weather is cold. (possesive) I see one radiologist standing inside the hospital to discuss their problem Good job. Present sentence. Past tense? see /saw is standing / was standing stand / stood discuss/discussed is discussing / was discussing I saw one radiologist who was standing inside the hospital and who was discussing their problem ------------- radiologist technician doctor -------------- Vian Audio problem Only one device should have sound. Phone or iPad - not both. I don't have both. Just iPad. He came and do a xray with doctor. I come He comes He came the doctor the xray xray ehks raaaay [He came to see the doctor about the xray.] [He came and did an xray with 'the' doctor.] ==================================== Speaking Stephane I was seeing the radiologist who was explaining to Guillaume the result of his xray. xray ehks raaaay Eliana He went to the radiologist to see how his leg 'is doing' because he broke it. He went to the radiologist to see how his leg 'was doing' because he broke it. =============================== Idioms (using body parts) English with Kayla (video) Break a leg. Cat got your tongue? Bite the bullet. ========================= Break 10:02 - 10:22 ======================= Idioms... Why learn idioms? Americans use idioms all the time. You can use idioms when you speak with your friends, your teacher, or your doctor. Break a leg. Good luck. Really means don't break a leg. It is the opposite. Saying the opposite would mean good luck. We use 'break a leg' before someone does something important... - the theater - someone is going to act on the stage - someone gives a big speech - before someone takes a big test Cat got your tongue? Means you cannot speak? Why can you not speak? Does the cat have your tongue. Means that people used to believe that cats could steal your ability to speak. So... if someone is not talking and you think they should speak, you can say "Cat got your tongue?". Bite the bullet. Meant the soldiers in the war who needed surgery/an operation with out any anesthesia (help with the pain) would bite on a bullet. Bite with my teeth on to a bullet to help with the pain. We use the bite the bullet when you or someone has to do something that will be hard/or you don't want to do. He knew he had to 'bite the bullet' and start studying for the big test. She know she must 'bite the bullet' and start exercising to get healthy. What is an idiom? Expression that means something that is difficult to put into sentences. Bite the bullet. Break a leg. Cat got your tongue? Do other countries have idioms? Yes. We are in taco. We can't know what a new idiom means unless we study it. So in our class the teacher will show new idioms. Question Cat got your tongue? Did the cat take away your ability to speak? There is no cat. It is an expression. You 'should' talk. Why are not talking? ============================== Going to the Doctor's Office (ellii) continued Vocabulary Review (different definitions/prompts) -online version Fill in the Blank (Listening) -pdf version Comprehension Activity -pdf version prescribe preh scriiiibe Dr Barnes will prescribe an antibiotic, He will write the instruction in the prescription. Match the Phrases - completed - online version ================================ Reading Prescription Labels (slide) Prescription for Health & Happiness Hospital - Sutter Health Provider/Doctor: Leif Hass When did the doctor write the prescription? February 20,2021 Prescribed to:/Who is the patient? Suzie S. What is the prescription? What does the doctor prescribe for Suzie? Spread the love Watch a sunset How often should Suzie take the medicine? As needed. ------------------------- Next week we will review some real prescriptions. Good job everyone. End Class. ================================