AM ESOL Online 5-11-23 Agenda Health & Lifestyle News & Housekeeping Listening/Speaking - Past Continuous Journal Writing - Past Continuous Health Health Labels and Warning (ellii) Conversation Practice * - Calling the Doctor’s Office for an appointment ====================== News & Housekeeping Summer Classes form ====================== Speaking Past Continuous needle Syringe plunger Example The children were playing The children were pretending to a doctor and patient. Ana One sentence. I see in this picture two children playing the doctor and patient. past continuous I see was in this picture two children were playing. I was playing She was playing They were playing I see in this picture two children were playing. Valerie Berenice One sentence I see Peter and John playing They are pretending to be doctor and patient. Peter was using the stethoscope and he put the vaccine on his patient. The patient was feeling very anxious. I see Peter and John playing. They 'were' pretending to be doctor and patient. Peter was using the stethoscope and he 'puts' the vaccine 'in' his patient. The patient was feeling very anxious. were pretending was using was feeling Stephane One sentence. I was seeing two children who were playing at home. The one was a doctor and the other was a patient. was seeing were playing I was seeing two children who were playing at home. 'One' was a doctor and the other was a patient. Diturie I see in this photo, two children who are playing together and they are very happy Present continuous they are playing they are Past continuous ...two children who were playing together and they were very happy they 'were' playing Rajaa The child who pretended to be a patient was holding a syringe and was afraid. was holding was looking afraid Eliana There were two children who were playing near the bookshelf. were playing bookcase has shelves to hold books Esperanza In this photo I was watching two children playing the doctor and the patient using suitable toys. suitable toys appropriate for children fit the correct age safe no real needles/fake needles In this photo I 'was watching' two children 'they were' playing the doctor and the patient using suitable toys. In this photo I 'was watching' two children. 'They were' playing' the doctor and the patient. They 'were using' suitable toys. Valerie In the picture I see two boy we were playing the one was a doctor and the other one was a patient. boy - one boys - two + were playing In the picture I see two 'boys'. 'They' were playing. One was a doctor and the other one was a patient. --------------------- One was xxxx the other was .... One was a doctor and the other one was a patient. One of them was a doctor and the other one was a patient. One in the pair was a doctor and one was a patient. Jhordana They are playing doctor. The doctor I think they were in the daycare. They were playing doctor. ====================== Writing Past Continuous Journal Writing 6 minutes Date Weather Your journal response. ------------------------- Share our Journals Valerie Today is Thursday, May 11, 2023. Punctuation The weather today is mostly sunny. In the picture I see two boys they were playing in livingroom One of them was playing a doctor and other one was playing a patient. The patient was holding a syringe and doctor was putting the stethoscope on the heart. they were playing one...was playing one was playing was holding was putting put the stethoscope se rihnj ======================= BREAK 10:00 - 10:20 ======================== Students send me your journal writing. email chat Remind text ====================== Complete form Berenice Victoria Jhordana Eliana ======================== Health Warning and Labels (ellii) dihz zih nehssss liquor stores liquors = alcohol and beers and spirits spirits = hard liquor vodka, whiskey, rye, tequila vegan veee gahn nothing with eyes no dairy no eggs Only plants, vegetables, nuts, berries. disease di sease dih zeeezzzz abnormal 'ab' = not not normal cell sehl cells sehlz to grow growth grooowth inhaling to take in/breath in air to breath to take air in to take in tobacco exhaling to breathe out air risk 8 sided sign stop sign FDA Federal Food and Drug Administration beverages = liquids that you drink milk juice soda water 'alcoholic' beverages= liquids that you drink that contain alcohol -beer -wine liquor do not take with any liquids no water, no juice, no milk take with liquids take with 8 oz of water