AM ESOL Online 9-28-23 Unit: Getting to Know You ❏ Journal Writing ❏ Idioms ❏ Verbs - Regular Past Tense Verbs - Pronunciation Rules - review & practice ---------move remaining items to next class ========================= Journal Writing - Introduction (picture of animals at a pool) What is happening in this picture? Write five sentences about what is going on in the picture. -Try to use lots of verbs. -Try to keep your verbs in the same tense. -Add a thought bubble for someone (an animal) in the picture. Suggestions: What might the elephant be thinking? What might the penguin be thinking? Reading (first, second) might = maybe night - niiiiight might - miiiiight long i sound Practice sentences Ama I think it is a zoo because I see the animals. I see on the swimming (in the) pool and the other one is playing in the park the others the one on the limb on the tree ---------------- Journal Writing 10 minutes ------------------- Share our Writing (Wheel of Names) Ama I see the animals swimming in the pool The other animals playing in the park The other animal slide. 1. I see the animals (they are) swimming in the pool. 2. The other animals playing be verb + verb-ing I am HeSheIt is YouWeThey are I am (be verb) playing He/She/It is playing. You/We/They are playing The other animals (they) are playing The other animals are playing in the park 3. The other animal slide. to slide sliding The other animal (penguin) is sliding down the slide. The penguin slides down the slide into the water. It is sliding down the slide into the water. I am sliding He/She/It is sliding You/We/They are sliding Eliana Remind logo Eliana bermudez Direct message to you -The elephant is on the diving board in swimming pool with smiling face. -The penguin is about to slide down the slide. The monkey is in the tree watching his friends swim. -The animals are having a great day in the sun. -The animals are enjoying the meeting in the pool. The lion is thinking "if the elephant jumps into the pool we won't all fit in, I'll have to get out." I I will I'll I'ehl ====================== Break 10:01 - 10:21 ==================== Larissa Where are they? No. Ok. Yes. The animals are playing in summer. The elephant is playing with the ball. The dog is swimming in the pool. The lion is in the water. The penquin will slide in the water slide. Thought bubbles. What is the monkey think in the tree? What is the pig think? What might the sheep be think? The animals are playing in summer. The elephant is playing with the ball. The dog is swimming in the pool. The lion is in the water. The penquin will slide in the water slide. The lion is standing in the water. The penguin is sliding on the water slide. Future The penguin is going to slide down the slide into the water. The penguin will be sliding down the water slide into the water. Thought bubbles. What is the monkey think in the tree? What is the pig think? What might the sheep be think? What is the monkey thinking' What is the monkey in the tree thinking? What is the pig thinking? What might the sheep be thinking. What is the sheep thinking? is thinking Stephane Do you have five sentences? Pigs are swimming in the pool. All the animals are swimming in the pool. The monkey is climbing on the branch on the tree. The monkey is climbing on the branch "of the tree". of the tree = branch belongs to the tree / branch is part of the tree I am an employee "of the school". my employment is part of the school I am a member of my church. my membership belongs to the church/part of the church The elephant is jumping on the floor. diving board The elephant is jumping on the diving board. The sheep is walking on the edge of the swimming pool. ehdj The pig is sitting on the grass. Esperanza Elephant This pool is full, but give me space friends, I'm big and I'll jump. penguin Hey, my friends!! I'm going to slide too, I'm very good at that, who's looking at me? What might the elephant be thinking? ===================== is climbing to hang is hanging by its tail on the branch of the tree we hang clothes in the closet monkey goat goht bear be-arh kangaroo roo baby kangaroo octopus hippopotamus penguin fence what is the animal to dive diving board He is diving into the pool. platform plat form ================= Idiom Idioms are expressions. "It's a zoo." Sentences with the idiom: it's a zoo. Esperanza Black Friday will be a zoo! Berenice In Mexico City always the transporation is a zoo. the traffic The traffic in Mexico City is always a zoo. It's always a zoo at the train station. ------------ I never go grocery shopping on Saturdays because it's a zoo. ======================== Pronunciation Practice Regular Past Tense Verbs - t sound Review rules (new slide with more example words) Rule #1 If the verb ends with the voiceless (soft sounds) f, k, p, s, sh, tch, or short o, pronounce the -ed ending as 't'. ------------ froth frothed My latte from the coffee shop was well frothed on top. milky foam the wave of the ocean during the storm were frothed with foam. ------------------ work worked She has worked at T.J. Maxx for three years. --------------- cook cooked She has cooked pasta for Christmas every year. He kissed her on the cheek. ------------ drop dropped t She dropped off the clothes at the cleaner's. -------------- This completes our practice of regular past tense verbs - with the 't' sound. Next week we will practice past tense verb endings - with the 'd' sound. End Class ===================