AM ESOL Online 10-24-23 Vian Ana Tuesday, October 24, 2023 Good. Ordinal number twenty-fourth Today is Tuesday, October 24 2023. The weather is cloudy and cold. Larissa thought bubbles thot buhb buhlz hero noun brave person person with courage champion Superhero su per hero noun 1. a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, such as Superman. power pow er noun plural noun: powers 1.the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality."the power of speech" Similar: ability capacity capability potential competence Opposite: inability incapacity 2.the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. "she had me under her power" soar so ahr verb 1. fly or rise high in the air. "the bird spread its wings and soared into the air" Similar: fly up wing wing its way take off take flight take to the air ascend fight fiiiii t verb 1. take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons. "the men were fighting" Similar: brawl come to blows exchange blows attack/assault each other hit/punch each other Opposite: peaceful noun 2. a violent confrontation or struggle. "we'll get into a fight and wind up with bloody noses" Similar: brawl melee row confrontation 'fight for' phrase synonyms go to bat for. plead for. put in a good word for. ride shotgun for. side with defend de fend verb 1. resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger. "we shall defend our country, whatever the cost" Similar: protect guard safeguard keep from harm justice jus tice noun 1.just behavior or treatment. "a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people" Similar: fairness justness fair play fair-mindedness equity equitableness Opposite: injustice 2.a judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the Supreme Court of a country or state. Similar: judge magistrate His/Her/Your Honor Law Lord Lord Justice Justice of the Peace enemy en e my noun 1. a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. "the traditional enemies of his tribe" Similar: foe adversary opponent rival nemesis antagonist the opposition Opposite: friend ally 2. a hostile nation or its armed forces or citizens, especially in time of war. noun: the enemy "the enemy shot down four helicopters" 3. a thing that harms or weakens something else. "routine is the enemy of art" archenemy arch en e my noun 1.a person who is extremely hostile or opposed to someone or something. "the twins were archenemies" nemesis nem e sis noun 1.the inescapable agent of someone's or something's downfall. "the balance beam was the team's nemesis, as two gymnasts fell from the apparatus" 2.a long-standing rival; an archenemy. "will Harry Potter finally defeat his nemesis, Voldemort?" Similar: archenemy arch-rival enemy rival foe adversary opponent Practice Sentences Example: My father was my hero. Ana My father was a superpower in my family, because when my father say do this you can say nothing about it. Superpowers xray vision fly invisible fly soar fight/defend I like to fly in the Germany I see my family there. fly/go in the airplane "fly to" Germany to the United States to America to Candada to Mexico to Puerto Rico to Germany to France ================= Writing 10 minutes plus the break 20 minutes Come back at 10:30 =================== Berenice has left the class. Life changes. Stephane - baby Jhordana - baby Nathaly - baby Esperanza - working a lot She will return next semester. Order of responses. Vian Ana Diturie Eliana Larissa Vian Sentences? He is watching the sky. He is watching in the sky. He is doing watch the sky. He is doing ... is up. superman. He is dressing up as superman. He is wearing the clothes superman. He is wearing superman clothes. Ana Sentences? The picture was He child before the picture was taken that he could play. He was flying at the begin a superhero. He thinks he would like to fly to reach the moon and the sun. fly flying superhero before the picture was taken Past was flying Past Continuous he thinks Present to fly to reach the moon and the sun The picture was .... He child before the picture was taken that he could play. Before the picture was taken he was a child playing. He was flying at the begin a superhero. At the 'beginning' he was flying. He was flying at the beginning. Before During After put these words at the beginning or the end of th sentence He thinks he would like to fly to reach the moon and the sun. Good Diturie Sentences? I think if I had a superpower, I would want to stop all these wars that ae being fought unjustly and I would like there to be no enemies between two countries. And if I had a superpower, I would help poor people who have no bread to eat and money to wear and many other things. superpower fight/fought justice just/unjust enemy/enemies superpower good tenses I would help poor people who have no bread to eat and 'no money for clothes to wear' and many other things. Eliana -The boy put on the superhero costume. -He wants to be able to fly like his favorite superhero. -He will fly in your imagination. " I will fight my enemies and save the world." put on / clothes, costume put on a Halloween costume superhero fly fight enemy/enemies good tenses Larissa Yesterday, I went to the theater with my dad and we saw a superhero movie. Today, I woke up wanting to be a hero and my dad helped me with this. We made ourselves cape and glasses. Now, I can fly and fight for my planet. "I have a superpower like my superhero." Punctuation Yesterday, Today, Now, During, Before, In the future, superhero hero cape / glasses goggles fly fight superpower superhero went to the movies we made ourselves We made ourselves a cape /two capes and goggles. =========================== Superlative Adjectives - Grammar Rules (ellii) young younger youngest est happy happier happiest est fit fitter fittest est big bigger biggest est strange stranger strangest est intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent the most comfortable more comfortable the most comfortable the most beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful the most Watch the video (2x): Superlative Adjectives Exercise (ellii) 1. Henrietta / excellent / student / class Henrietta is 'the most excellent' student 'in the class'. 2. Boots / expensive / store My boots is more expensive at the store. My boots are the most expensive at the store. My boots are the most expensive shoes in my closet. s v sa o 3. August / humid / month / year In August is humid 2 syllable is the most humid August is the most humid month of the year. The month of August is the most humid month of the year. 4. Babbo / expensive / restaurant / city The Babbo is the most expensive restaurant in the city. The Boynton is the cheapest restaurant in Worcester. 5. Coldplay / wonderful / band / world 6. Buffalo / cold / city / country 7. Trevor / talented / cook / class 8. The Amazon / deep / river / South America End class ===============================