AM ESOL Online 12-13-23 Agenda -Journal Writing -Comparison Words -ellii Student Accounts ============================== Class Introduction - Readings Satyendra Stephane Vian Junior ------------------------------- Short review of Pronunciation of Regular Past Tense Verbs - that use the 'd' sound, or 't' sound, or 'ihd' sound words ending in the 'z' sound replace -ed with the 'd' sound excuse ehx kuz excused ehx kuz'd buzz buzzed buzz'd words ending in the 's' sound replace -ed with the 't' sound miss missed miss't pass passed pass't only words that end in a 't' or 'd' sound will be pronounced as two separate syllables in the past tense. -ed will sound like 'ihd'. want wanted want ihd need needed need ihd ======================== Journal Writing = Homework Venn Diagram Apples and Oranges article (Source: slides, ellii) Based on information in the article... 1. Complete a list of differences for apples and oranges. 2. Identify any similarities. 3. Write a sentence using comparing words or phrases. 4. Write a sentence using contrasting words or phrases. --------------------------------------- Writing for 10 Minutes --------------------------------------- Share our writing (Individual responses/ Wheel of Names) Vilma tell me or did you send me something? I want your answer to question number one. 1. Complete a list of differences for apples and oranges. What did write? difference similar list the apple are red color and orange are orange color is different the apple is red the orange is orange apples are red oranges are orange one apple is one orange is apples and oranges are same too apples and oranges vitamins minerals and sugar the oranges also have potassim ---------- Take a picture of your writing and send it to the teacher. Type your sentences in a text, or Remind, or email and send to the teacher. I will give you feedback. ------------------------------- Share our writing Ama (from text message) Today Apples and Oranges This lesson helps me why, because I know Apples and oranges are good for the body, now I learn more than what I knew. Apples and oranges have calcium, potassium, vitamin c and hundred percent fight against cancer. This lesson helps me a lot. Contrasting more... than and one-hundred percent and 100% vitamin (lower case) Vitamin C (capital letter 'V') ------------------------- Vian 1, 2, 3, 4? 1. together the same thing is different orange and apples *Oranges and apples 'are' different. (plural) Apple Orange Vitamin C the orange is Vitamin C *The orange 'has' Vitamin C. the apple different for food What kind of food? You can drink or juice. *You can eat an apple or drink apple juice. Apple Orange eat an apple eat an orange drink apple juice drink orange juice ========================== BREAK 10:02 - 10:22 ========================== Vilma (from Zoom Chat) 1. differences orages unlike app;les have more vitamin C the aplles are more hard than oranges contrast words: unlike, have more, more...than Comparative Adjectives hard harder (more) hardest (most0 The apples are harder than oranges. 2. similar app;es just ;ike orange are fruits with vitamins and minerals compare words: just like Good job. --------------------------- Larissa 1,2,3,4 1,2,3.4 in two sentences They are both considered a fat free food but they do have nutritional difference. Apples contain more fiber, but orange contain more Vitamin C. compare words - same: both contrast words - different: but, more Good job. --------------------- Diturie I will answer all of them together Both together are fruits. Unlike an apple and orange has more Vitamin C than an apple contains calcium that helps for bones. Both together also contain Vitamin B-6 that helps in brain development and contains many other benefits that help human health. compare words: both, both...also, and many other contrast: unlike (not like), more, more...than Good job. --------------------- Valerie 1,2,3,4 2. 1. 2. Both are the fruit. An apple and orange contain the mineral, the Vitamin B-6, and the natural sugar. An apple and an orange contain Apples and oranges contain minerals, Vitamin B-6, and natural sugar. Both apples and oranges contain minerals, Vitamin B-6, and natural sugars. compare word: both an apple (it) contains an orange (it) contains apples and oranges (they) contain I contain He/She/It contains You/We/They contain many apples many oranges 1. The difference Orange contain 6% of the Calcium, whereas, apple 'have' almost none. contrast word: whereas one orange? oranges? An orange contains it contains An oranges (it) contains 6% of calcium, whereas, an apple (it) 'has' almost none. I have He/She/It has You/We/They have Oranges (they) contain 6% of calcium, whereas, apples (they) 'have' almost none. singular or plural Subject / verb agreement Good job. ------------------------ Satyendra 1,2,3,4 all of them Both apples and oranges. Apples and oranges are fruit, but apples are usually sweet and oranges are usually citrus. Oranges are an excellent source of Vitamin C with nearly 110% of daily intake requirement. Whereas, apples contain roughly 6%. Oranges also have a 'greater' amount of Vitamin A at 6%, as compared to apples at 2%. compare: both, also contrast: but, whereas, as compared to Good job. We need to hear the 's', 'z' of plural words. -------------------- Anyone else want to share your sentences? This completes our lessons on Comparison Words. ============================= ellii Student Accounts Slides with live demonstration. Write your username and your password in your journal/notebook. Example: Ana username: axxxxx (first intial lastname) password: 12341234 Class Code: XYAYA8 Fix: Vilma Slides are posted on the Class Page. Continue tomorrow. End Class ===========================