PM ESOL Online 12-07-23 Agenda Comparison Words - continued -Compare / Contrast reading Regular Past Tense - pronunciation practice and quizzes =========================== Class Introduction slides Individual Reading Wanda read slide one ESOL English 'for' Speakers 'of' Other Languages Keny slide two and three Romaulde read slide four ========================== Compare/Contrast Reading Identify the compare or contrast words or phrases in the sentences. Individual responses. Wanda Keny Romaulde Adriane Charline Diana Wilfort Edmond compare - same 'like' she is short 'like' me she is short 'the same as' me likewise She is short likewise am I. We are both short. contrast - not the same She is tall unlike me. She is tall. I am short. My daughter 'resembles' me. My daughter 'looks like' me. Contrast - different/opposite free = no money affordable = a little money whereas - a difference Review. ======================== Comparing Words: both just as likewise similarly also x resembles y in that x is similar to y because just like in a related way by the same token in a similar fashion at the same rate in the same manner in the same way too Contrasting Words: unlike but in a different way in contrast whereas while as opposed to no relation between there’s no comparison in comparison differ from more than less than on the contrary however although despite conversely nevertheless on the other hand ============================= Idiom "haste makes waste" When you act negligently you can make mistakes. When you move to fast to get something done you can make a mess. when you do it too fast action too fast or too quickly causes mistakes put something on there Yes. He needed to put on a cover or lid on the blender. Big mistake. =================== Regular Past Tense Match the present and past tense word .... and pronounce it tidy up / tidied up tiiidy tidy tidied tideeeeeeeeeeeee'd up clean n clean'd water r water'd live v liv'd wash sh wash't work k work't I worked last night I cooked dinner night ==================== BREAK 6:30 - 6:45 ==================== Regular Past Tense - Pronunciation Rules Review Regular Past Tense - Pronunciation Rules 1. 't' sound voiceless (soft) sounds f k p s sh tch short o 2. 'd' sound voiced (loud) sounds b dg j g l m n ng long a r w z vowel sound 3. 'id' sound - as a separate syllable for words ending in 't' or 'd' ==================== Regular Past Tense Practice 'voiceless' and 'voiced' sounds voiceless (soft) sounds f k p s sh tch short o voiced (loud) sounds b dg j g l m n ng long a r w z vowel sound ===================== Regular Past Tense - Quizzes LiveWorksheets 2,4, some of 5 Quiz 2 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 End Class =======================