PM ESOL Online 1-23-24 Agenda Unit: Money -News & Housekeeping  -Going to a Bank  - continued  ========================= News Welcome new students Testing Calendar ========================= Class Introduction Reading Larissa Valerie Stephane Ama value val ue vahl uuuu values val ues vahl uuuz rule rool rules roolz etc. abbreviation we read the whole etcetera et cet er a eht ceht ehr ah et cetera (two words) latin Americans speak fast. etc. = et cetera Food Shopping coffee bread salad etc. (tomatoes, cucumbers...) To Do morning routine, etc. OR... To Do - make coffee - take a shower - get dressed - brush my teeth - clean the house - cook breakfast Another way we use etc. yada yada yada talk on and on and on blah blah blah et cetera, et cetera, et cetera etc., etc., etc. ---------------- Regular Past tense words with -ed endings miss s sound missed -ed + t sound mihs't ======================== Going to the Bank (ellii) Vocabulary (matching) account service fee $ deposit check checking payroll manager Review ====================== Break 6:32 - 6:47 =====================+ Vocabulary - continued over with draw al withdrawal withdraw (verb) take the money out of your account a withdrawal (noun) ATM A.T.M PIN (pin) endorse (signature/sign something) use uuuuz used uuuuz'd z sound -ed = d sound service fees withdrawal manager deposit checking payment open oh pehn opened oh pehn 'd n sound opened - uses the 'd sound for -ed ending words Completed repeat of Exercises: Vocabulary A and B plus Exercise: Vocabulary Review End Class =======================