AM ESOL Online 2-29-24- Agenda Unit: Money - Household Bills -News -Budgeting -Quiz Time-Money -Quantifier Words- Some and Any =================== Class Introduction Readers: Vian Stephane Jhordana ==================== News - Calendar ==================== Budgeting Apps Are you using a budgeting app to manage your household bills? The best budget apps: YNAB, for hands-on zero-based budgeting Goodbudget, for hands-on envelope budgeting EveryDollar, for simple zero-based budgeting Empower Personal Wealth, for tracking wealth and spending PocketGuard, for a simplified budgeting snapshot Honeydue, for budgeting with a partner -------------------- Top Budgeting Apps Video ----------------- The 50/30/20 Budget Rule 50 % Needs 30 % Wants 20 % Savings ------------------- 50/30/20 Budgeting article ====================== Quiz Time (individual responses) We completed: Money - Identify the correct paper money Money - (money words and symbols) Matching 1 and 2 ====================== BREAK 10:00 - 10:00 ====================== Quantifier Words Some and Any (ellii) (whole class and individual responses) We completed: -Grammar Rules -Multiple Choice -Complete the Questions -Make Sentences -Make Questions End Class ======================