PM ESOL Online 2-06-24 Agenda Unit: Money -News -Journal Writing -Quiz Time -Reading ATM Receipts (ellii)- con't ====================== News Calendar Career - Home Health Aide ====================== Journal Writing Introduction What does “money doesn't grow on trees” mean? Do you agree? Explain why. ------------------------ Review 'do' verb. ---------------------- Money doesn't grow on trees. idiom An idiom is an expression We have idioms in all languages not literal the words usually do not mean the exact meaning word for word Scenario Son and a mother talking. Son: Mom. I think I need a new bicycle. Mom. Hmmm... You know money doesn't grow on trees. How do you expect to pay for it. -------------------- Journal Writing 5 minutes -------------------- Share our Journals Diana Do you have sentences? 1. It means that money is not easy to obtain. Vocabulary obtain = not easy to get / earn 2. Yes, I agree, because it takes a lot of work to earn money. vocabulary earn = work for something worth waiting for ----------------- Keny 1. Does mean you are getting a job to make some money because you can the tree does have leaves. Vocabulary does - grammar Grammar What does “money doesn't grow on trees” mean? The idiom, 'money doesn't grow on trees' means... 'Money doesn't grow on trees' means... It means It 'does' mean .... (we drop the 'do' or 'does' in the answer.) It means..... It means you are getting a job to make some money, because you can not pick money off of trees, the tree has leaves, not money. Keny (continued) Feedback posted in Remind after class. 2. Yes, I agree, because we have to work 'to get' money and 'to pay' 'for everything'! Everything 'costs' money. "to" is often used in verb phrases / or it is used as a preposition Examples of the word 'to' with a verb. to get to pay to go Use the word 'for' when it is going to benefit someone or something /or someone or something is going to receive it. He pays for school. She has a gift for him. The parents pay for everything the children need. ------------ Ana Maria 1. It does mean that money is not easy to come by and must be earned through hard work and effort. Grammar It means that... Vocabulary 'is not easy' 'to come by' = to get 'must be' through hard work and effort ( working harder) 2. Yes. I agree, because to get money you have to work hard. 'have to' = must It means that money is not easy to come by and must be earned. ------------------------- Pronunciation (whole class) earned ear n uuuuuuur n ear n ed uuuuuuur n 'd through through / threw homonyms threw through thru o, gh silent effort ef fort ehf fohrt -------------------- Send me your sentences. punctuation, grammar... ---------------------- Justin 1. The meaning is you can't get money for nothing. 2. I do agree, because if you want money, you have to work and/'to' get it. I agree with you. ------------------------ Wanda ------------------------ Idioms American sayings expressions So many idioms! You will hear many idioms at work. We will share some, but there are too many idioms to share in class. If you hear someone say and idiom or expression, write it down, and then Google it. Examples: piece of cake = it's easy to do raining cats and dogs = it is raining a lot /very heavy rain there are many ways to skin a cat = there are many ways to solve a problem Idiom from China there are many ways to kill a flea = there are many ways to solve a problem Every country has its our idioms. =================== BREAK 6:30 - 6:45 ===================== Quiz Time Weather Forecasts (Individual Responses) Zuleyma windy Nancy 75 temperature tem per a ture tem per...ture tempachur 75 degrees Farhenheit seventy-five degrees de greeeez Farhenheit Fa rhen heit Fah rhen hiiiiit Wanda Gertrude Romaulde Justin Edmond More weather quizzes ... More student responses... ===================== ATM Receipts (ellii) -continued Review Example 1. Answer the questions. Individual responses. End Class. ======================