PM ESOL Online 4-25-24 Agenda Unit: Careers -News -Occupations Mini Lessons - Before Reading - Reading - Jazz Music - Writing Numbers ========================== News Testing Teacher Alys will call you to schedule your test. Zoom ========================== Occupations (, Jobs 1) Occupations jobs work to police (verb) to protect people and place/watch over / keep safe police man man who watches over people and places to keep them safe police man mail man man = suffix (word ending) receive reception (noun) reception ist person who welcome people to a place of work usually reception ist art ist to nurse (verb) nurse health care specialist one word graphics=pictures design = to create graphic design er creates images/graphic/picture mechanical things mechan ic Doctor Doctor Jane Smith Dr. Jane Smith MD M.D. MD medical doctor GP general practioner main doctor "main' basic one you always to to see for physical exams etc. art ist technical fix technical things like computers computer technic ian ian tec ni cian tehk nih tshiun cash cash ier ++++++++++++++++++++++++ If zoom stop in 10 minutes sign back on. It is a problem with the school and zoom. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ piiiii loht pilot carpentry works with wood carpent er science scientific scient ist sci en tist ===================== Jazz Music - Reading (slide) Before we read There is lot of information before we start to read. This will make you a better reader in English. This type of information is higher level. It will help prepare you for college. Text features What text features do you see? ❏ Title ❏ Headings ❏ Image ❏ Caption ❏ Bold words /Underlined words/Words in color Purpose What is the purpose of this text? 🔲 to Entertain 🔲 to Inform (information) 🔲 to Persuade (opinion) Prediction What is your prediction? What is the text about? predict prediction / forecast Different ways to ask the same question... What is this story about? What is this paragraph about? What is the meaning of this story? What is the main idea in the story? What is the story mainly about. main (basic/root/core/ central idea ) mainly What is the text mainly about? jazz music information about jazz music ===================== Break 6:30- 6:45 ====================== Readings Diana Vera whole class Play jazz music on youtube Vocabulary instruments beats New vocabulary look it up translate it write it down put the word into a sentence in your language in English hhhhh hear heard (irregular past tense) Multiple Choice process of elimination cross out what you know and the answer is probably the remaining word choice ====================== Students I will ask you what your favorite music is. Adriane New Age Loreena McCaan Ana Maria What is your favorite type of music? Classic music Classical music type/kind/sort of/genre/category all the same Diana Acoustics guitar Edmond Folk music Albanian folk music Erica all kinds of music I like all kinds of music. I like all types of music. Fanny I love every type of music. Justin My favorite type of music is Afro Beat. (a band) Katerina My favorite music depends on the weather my mood how I feel Keny I like Latin Music. Vera I like Gospel music. Romualde I love the compa music. (Haitian music) Zuleyma --------------------- Play Afro Beats on youtube Discussion beats favorite music (type of music) vs favorite band Discuss occupations musical artist band member ====================== Writing Numbers - Quiz (slides, Individual responses) Multiple choice Advanced (slide, Individual responses) 1. forty-two dollars 2. one thousand, four hundred and forty-four dollars 3. Three hundred 33 thirty-three 4. fifty-five dollars and five cents 5. one hundred eleven dollars and one cent End Class ======================