PM ESOL Online 4-30-24 Agenda Unit: Careers -Speaking and Listening - Prepositions of Time -Journal Writing -Prepositions of Place --Things in the Kitchen --Kitchen Appliances (review) ------------------------ move to next class ... -Occupations - continued ======================== News -Zoom - will stop every 40 minutes. Please sign into zoom again. -Testing - Teacher Alys will call you for an appointment -Calendar - May -Summer Online (day class only) ======================== Calendar Mother's Day celebrates mothers in America Memorial Day honor the men and women who have fought in wars to protest our country or other countries ======================== Speaking and Listening - with Prepositions of Time Mother's Day Do you celebrate Mother's Day in your country? USA is always the second Sunday in May Ana Maria Dominican Republic Yes. When? Last Sunday ... May. prepositions of time in a month (general) in a day in a year on a date (specific) on a day of the week In my country, we celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday in May. on (specific) in (general) prepositions of time Diana Peru Do you celebrate Mother's Day in your country? in my country celebration mother's day is special all mothers gifts restaurant for eating and give flowers This is very much like what Mother's Day looks like in this country? 'in' (preposition of place) in a country in my country in a state 'in' a month preposition of time When? Second week in May on a Sunday Second Sunday in in a month (general) In Peru, we celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. on of the week (specific) in a month (general) Edmond Albania In my country, 'we' don't celebrate Mother's Day.... but celebrate Woman's Day. Men's Day? Every day is men's day? 8 March March 8th In my country, we celebrate Women's Day on March 8th. on March 8th (specific) Fabio Brazil Yes. Same date from here. Second weekend. the Sunday. Second Sunday of May. Vera says Never forget this day, Fabio. Wanda says ... last year it was the 10th. This year it is the 12th. Fabio same date 'as' here It is the same as here. It is the same date as here. It is the same day as here. Yes, in Brazil we celebrate Mother's Day. It is the same as here. Fabiola Dominican Republic not Italy I'm from Dominican Republic and yes, we celebrate Mother's Day the last Sunday in May. on the last Sunday in May Yes In Honduras we celebrate Mother's Day on second Sunday in May. second Sunday in May second Sunday of May Vera Brazil Brazil celebrate second Sunday in May Celebrate a lot Families in the church Something special for them, always. Brazil - the country Brazilians - the people In Brazil they celebrate Mother's day 'on' the second Sunday 'in' May. on a specific day of week in general no date of a month Romaulde Haiti Yes, Teacher the last Sunday in May In Haiti we celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday in May. on - day of the week in - a month Wanda Puerto Rico Yes, we celebrate Mother's Day the second Sunday of May. 'of' May Zuleyma El Salvador next time. ------------------------ Zoom stopped ------------------------ Journal Writing - Prepositions of Place and Things in the Kitchen (slide) Vocabulary 1 silver (adj / noun) teapot /s (noun) vase /s (noun) vessel /s (noun) mix /es /-ing mixer (noun) jar /s /-ed /-ing jar (noun) shade /s (noun) blind / s (noun) hood (noun) vent /s /-ed /-ing vent (noun) kitchen or cooking utensil /s (noun) silverware (noun) We stir up food in a mixer. the bowl is a vessel ======================== I will stop zoom for the break. Just sign on again. BREAK 6:32 -6:47 ===================== Journal Writing - continued Vocabulary 2 stove oven cabinet upper cabinet /s lower cabinet /s cabinet drawers cabinet doors glass cabinet doors counter counter top sink double sink basin rug recipe book stand butter dish holds the butter and keeps it fresh ------------------------ Sample sentences The window blinds are on the windows. They are on the windows on The butter dish is on top of the books . on top of The lower cabinets are under the counter. under Try a sentence? ? (Individual responses) The apples are in the bowl. in Try a sentence. The bowl of apples is on the counter. The kitchen stove is black. ------------------- Prepositions of Place under over above in on near behind in front of in back of between next to on top of ---------------------- Sample sentences... more (Individual responses) The hood is above the stove. The sugar is in the jar. The mixer is under the shelf in the corner near the window. under in near the sink is above the cabinet above The silverware is in the cabinet drawers The teapot is near the sink. The cooking utensils is inside the vessel vessel = formal word vase - informal The sink is across from the stove. across from The flower pot is near the window. The flower pot is in front of the window. ------------------------ Journal Writing 5 minutes Write a lot of sentences with prepositions and using the Be verb. ------------------------ Share your 2 sentences. One good one. One you are not sure about. Fabio I want you to write lots of sentences. my home my kitchen In my kitchen, we like to decorate with flower vase and my wife like to silverware. I don't understand because she is look for fancy silverwares. flower vases (plural) I like She likes My wife likes to eat with silverware like silver silverware In my kitchen, we like to decorate with flower vase and my wife likes to use silver silverware. I don't understand, because she is looking for fancy silverware. Girls just like those things. Romaulde not ready Fanny not ready Senta The mixer is between the vase and the sink. between The oven is near the cabinet. near Vera Let's try it. We learn this way. You wrote a lot. We was in the kitchen on the rug to make something special for mother's day we took apples from the bowl and we put them in the sink .. We 'were' in the kitchen it is not special to talk about the rug on the rug We were in the kitchen to make something special.... for Mother's Day from the bowl in the sink Good prepositions. apples are in a 'bowl' in and we put them in the sink in Jenifer The pitcher is on the counter. natin ??? napkin kitchen towel The dish towel is on the counter. kitchen towel dish towel wash towel be verb preposition Send me your sentences in Remind , text, email. ' ======================== Occupations 2 Zoom cut short. Activity not really started End Class ======================== ================= Journal Writing