PM ESOL Online 5-28-24 Agenda Unit: Careers Prepositions of Direction (ellii) ==================== Class Introduction -------------------- News Summer Online Class ==================== Prepositions of Direction Video 2x ================ Zoom stopped in 1 minute ================ BREAK 6:11 15 min 6:26 ================ Prepositions of Direction Picture Dictionary A across from around the corner from at behind between far from in front of kitty-corner to near next to / beside on on the corner of Practice pink box is behind the blue box blue box is in front of the pink box far from too far long distance in front of kitty-corner to kitten kitty cat diagonally across from near next to / beside on on the corner of Review ------------------ Picture Dictionary B bank cinema theater / theatre (UK) hospital gas station library liiii brahr eee liiii brahr ree grocery store shopping mall shopping bag bakery bakreee laundromat bus stop park playground parking lot =================== Grammar Notes Prepositions of direction are common to use when giving directions. Sentence Pattern The + [noun] + is + [preposition] + the + [noun]. Examples: The bank is between the grocery store and the bakery. The bank is around the corner from the theater. The bank is across from the library. a bank (generic - any bank) the bank (specific) -------------------- Completed: Image Match A Image Match B Image Match C Image Match D ------------------- Asking for and Giving Directions Completed Asking for Directions (Individual practice) End Class ======================