PM ESOL Online 6-06-24 Agenda Unit: Last Class - Spring Semester 2024 -News -Journal Writing -Prepositions of Direction ===================== News ===================== Journal Writing -------------------- Journal Writing 6 minutes ------------------- Share of writing All students will share. Ana Maria 1. Today's date is June 6, 2024. 2. The weather today is cloudy and it will be rainy. 3. I will do this summer to continue practice Duolingo English. 2 verbs will do be verb + -ing will be doing I will be doing Duolingo English this summer to continue practicing English. this Summer this year this week work best at the beginning or the end of a sentence This summer I will continue to practice English using Duolingo. I will continue to practice English using DuoLingo this summer. Charline 1. Today's date is June 6, 2024. 2. The weather today is cloudy. 3. I will go to the library to continue practicing English. ==================== zoom will end in 10 minute / just sign on again if zoom stops ===================== Diane 1. Today's date June 6, 2024. 6th 2. The weather today is cloudy and a little rainy. 3. This summer to continue learning English I will do and speak with my family and friends. I will do review the class in English and YouTube. I will speak with... I will review the class in English... review (verb) review (noun) do a review Edmond 3. I will try to write five sentences every weekend this summer. I put in the I will try to write five sentences every weekend this summer. Today's weather was cloudy and raining . cloudy and rainy Fanny 3. In the summer I will continue learning English by reading more books in English. healthy life style I learn more when I read a book. Katerina 3. I will read a book. I want to continue learning English from tv from movie with my family. tv shows Sesame Street? PBS Channel 2 movie book kid's book I don't remember the title Olivera 3. I will try very hard to read a book, watch some movies, and talk to my son in English. kid's book great place to start reading practice Dr. Seuss there a lots of Dr. Seuss books Green Eggs and Ham Sam I am Keny I will watch movie, read books, and listen music, etc. I will watch movies, read books, and 'listen to' music, etc. Romualde 3. This summer I will be continue learn English on YouTube, reading more books in English, speak more English at home with my kids. kids???????? wonderful son high school graduation tomorrow daughter Worcester State This summer I will be continuing to learn English on YouTube, and reading more books in English, speaking more English at home with my kids. Wanda 3. This summer I will be continue learning English on YouTube and reading more books, watch movie and talking with my daughter in my home. This summer I will be learning English ... reading more books, watching movies, and talking with my daughter will 'be' + verb-ing Vera Question What if I want to keep the word 'continue'? This summer I will be continuing to learn English by reading, watching movies, and talking with my daughter Erica 3. In this summer I will learning to continue learning English, reading books, I bought two books yesterday and I pretend to read the books. pretend is to be fake pretend in Portuguese to plan I will read the books. In the summer... This summer I will continue to learn English by reading books. I bought two books yesterday, and I will read the books. one title of one of the books Read People Understand Behavior and Communicate psychology BREAK 6:30 - 6:45 I will stop and restart zoom. Adriane 3. I am going to watch a/more videos (Peeky Blinders and YouTube videos). I am going to write more. on Hulu on Netflix streaming videos, tv shows, and movies When I'm working I write the words I don't know or the phrases or the idioms. Then I look up what the words mean. Write in my journal - any new words write them down look up the definition write a sentence using the word use the word when speaking with someone This will help you remember the words and improve your English vocabulary. Write new sentences every day, every week, or every weekend. Senta I will I news more English listen to movie, YouTube and with my friends and family too in summer. I will practice more English by listening to movies, and videos in English and speaking with my family and friends this summer. I need to read too. Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone ===================== Speak mmmEnglish (YouTube) Conversation English - Pronunciation Workout #1 Listen YouTube movies Search: easy English language movies Read The best place to get a book is the library. Worcester Public Library Adult Programs Language and Literacy --------------- Books, movies, audiotapes, CDs in multiple languages help with learning English books some of the books/tapes have translations Ask a librarian for help. You can get a library card at the library. They need a form or ID and something with your mailing address. You fill out a form. They mail you a library card. The library card lets you take a book out on loan for 2 week or 1 month. ellii username whernandez password 12341234 --------------------- zoom will stop in 6 min/ just sign in again to zoom zoom stop in 1 minute ===================== Prepositions of Direction =====================