Professional Development Notes:


Things to do:


  1. Complete a goals sheet.  You should have 1 program goal that we have all agreed upon- that goal will be typed on your sheet.  Your second goal is a goal of your choice. Both goals need to be SMART goals. If you need more information on SMART goals, please let me know.


  1. After each staff meeting, please complete a program development sheet and hand it to me.  Program development is any activity we do that benefits the program and the program goal.


  1. After any workshop that you do outside of The Worcester Adult Learning Center, please complete a professional development activity log and get it to me.  This is for any workshop that you do to benefit your teaching and or second goal.  The activity may also benefit the program goal.


  1. Everyone must complete some professional development outside of what we do as a whole staff.  SABES still has many offerings. I will also be offering Critical Friends again this year. I can offer it for people who did not do it last year and or a second session that will move more quickly and be a little more in depth.


Professional Development Forms

  1. Program Development
  2. Professional Development Activity


Teacher Forms

  1. Lesson Plan
  2. Plan Book